The Scheme

Get out of this trap without assistance was impossible. Once had to save a few very interesting research, told Adam to go to the maze group and only in a bundle, not away from the checkpoint. From the first day he started to make a plan maze, counting the steps and checking the direction of the compass. Adam understood that the maze keeps a secret, but to open it, it was necessary to unravel the puzzle of rock unit. Cave studied several groups and each of They drew their drawing. But when we compare the scheme, they never coincide, which makes a study in confusion and uncertainty. Transitions and the corridors seemed endless.

They were alike as two drops of water and brought to a frenzy of archaeologists. Finally, one group came across a second entrance to the labyrinth. Free passage, people came across the rock ridge, revealing yet another paved path. Adam was confident that she will to the same stele with an inscription. He sent all the excavation on the road, and he continued to explore the labyrinth device. Finding and letting the shortest path between two inputs, archaeologists reached out to him and held the rope lighting, which greatly facilitated the passage of the corridor. In addition to Adam's nobody dared to go into the side aisles. The spies while trying to follow him, but after several times lost and wandered through the dead ends in vain hope of finding out who want to spy on the head of the expedition left.