Wall Cladding Sheets
Instead of plastering the solution can be applied plaster sheets of drywall or fiberboard (tiles). Sheets of gypsum drywall composed of plaster in its pure form or with mineral or organic additives, coated cardboard on all four sides, except for frontal faces. Fibreboard are extra-hard, solid, semisolid, and others. Veneer of all types of surfaces. By wooden leaf surface nail with a broad hat (Tolev). sheets cut with a knife or sawing saw or hacksaw. To brick, stone, concrete surface of the plate or plates bonded with sealant, prepared by different recipes.
Most of the mastic is not very rapid. It is convenient to work, as it gives an opportunity to start setting mastic cope with attaching sheets. Sheets are fixed in different ways. You can put in a corner whole sheet. In this case, make a groove in the middle of the sheet and bend it at right angles, forming a husk. Entire lists can start pasting from the corner, forming a peel sheet edges. These methods are quite different from each other by quality and durability.
With that and the other way first surface and arrange support beacons or marks. Before starting work, all surfaces should be divided into equal to the width of the leaves are used. Line grips must be strictly vertical, so they must fight off namelennym cord. Then start tracing. Under the sheets make reference marks of 80 * 80 mm. On each vertical line must be at least three brands. Brands have exactly along the lines in such a way that they could prop up edges two sheets. After the device reference marks on all surfaces exposed to the veneer, proceed to the fastening sheet. Necessary The number of sheets should be prepared in advance. All coated surfaces can be painted or wallpaper three days after finishing.