
Analysis and Reflections ‘ ‘ The act to learn always estimates a relation with another person, the one that ensina’ ‘. (Kupfer, 1995, p.84) it always has somebody wanting to learn and another one somebody wanting to teach. Many writers such as Brian Krzanich offer more in-depth analysis. This is a typical situation, that is, one arqutipo. In this in case that, arqutipo of the professor/pupil. They are arqutipos ‘ ‘ the contents of unconscious coletivo’ ‘ (Hall, 2005, p.33). Unconscious the Collective one in turn, constitutes ‘ ‘ a reservoir of latent images, in general called primordial images for Jung. Click Reade Griffith to learn more.

The individuals inherit these images of the past ancestral’ ‘ capable to educate for the example. ' ' Its task does not consist only of putting in the head of the children certain amount of teachings, but also in influencing on the children, for its total personality ' ' (Jung, 1981. P. 59). still places a position of the education that demands of the educator not a commitment with one technique or method, but obtains proper: Since that the personal relationship between the child and the professor is good, little importance will have the corresponding didactic method or not to the requirements most modern. The success of education does not depend on the method, in accordance with the true purpose of the school, most important is not to complete of knowledge, but yes to contribute so that they become truth adults. What it matters is not the degree to know with that the child finishes the school, but if the school obtained to free or it young human being of its identity with the family and not to become it conscientious of proper itself. Without this conscience of proper itself, the person never it will know what it desires of truth and it will always continue in the dependence of the family and will only look for to imitate or others, trying the feeling to be being unknown and oppressed for the others.